9 Best Shared Inbox Tools and Software

9 Best Shared Inbox Software Options

Discover the best shared inbox software. Learn which shared inbox tool would be ideal for your business.

Cody Duval

Last updated: November 29, 2023

12 mins read

Fact: Most businesses have a public email address like support@, help@, or info@.

Another fact: They often struggle with managing that email.

Support teams access that inbox and often overwrite each other’s work. Or log one another out, reply to the same customers twice, and cause even more confusion in the process.

Shared inbox software helps overcome all those issues and more. It gives you and the team simultaneous access to a shared inbox and facilitates collaboration to resolve client issues.

Below, you’ll discover nine absolutely amazing shared inbox tools to help you manage a shared email address.

Ready to level up your shared inbox?
Keeping makes it easy to share a Gmail account. Collaborate in Gmail without any complicated software.

What is a shared inbox? 

The term – shared inbox – typically means an email for teams.

But what does that mean, exactly?

Well, in a nutshell, a shared inbox is basically an inbox designed to allow groups of individuals to collaborate on managing a single email address. With a shared inbox, you and your colleagues have the same ability to read, respond, and delete messages but without clashing with one another.

Yes, you’d all be using the same inbox. You’d see the same messages, too. But every one of you would log in with their own credentials.

And that’s what makes shared inbox software so powerful. It allows you to accept emails to a single email address (i.e., support@yourcompany.com, etc.) but have several people accessing it simultaneously.

As a result:

  • A shared inbox makes managing emails much easier – no more clashing with others or having to forward emails to respond from your own account. 

  • It fosters better team collaboration – with features like notes or messages, teams can get together behind-the-scenes to solve inquiries collectively. 

  • Advanced reporting gives insights into performance – traditional inboxes don’t gather data relating to the emails you receive or how you respond to them, so you can’t improve your processes. 

  • Having a shared inbox vastly improves the customer experience – customers are better supported when you have access to shared inbox features that speed up the time and quality of service. 

I know I am a bit biased in saying this, I do run a shared inbox platform, after all but there is no better way to manage a shared email address than such a tool.

The problem? How do you choose the right shared inbox tool for your company?

Well, I can’t influence your decisions, of course. But I thought I’d provide you a thorough overview of the best shared inbox software on the market today. This way, at least you’ll know which options to evaluate and test to find a solution for you.

So, without any further ado…

9 Best Shared Inbox Software and Tools

Now, we’re going to take a deep dive into the next shared inbox tools for your growing business. 

1. Keeping

Keeping shared inbox interface screenshot.

Keeping (disclaimer – this is my company) is a dedicated shared inbox software that makes it easy for organizations to collaborate on their support@, help@, hi@, or any other email account accessed by a group of people.

Keeping works inside Gmail meaning that you don’t have to learn to use a new tool or contantly switch between tabs when you want to process messages in a shared inbox.

You access the shared inbox as before. But with Keeping, you get a range of amazing features to make the experience better for the entire team and help you process customer inquiries better and faster.

Top features: 

  • Work with multiple mailboxes.
  • Collision detection that allows multiple agents to work together without ever clashing or overwriting each other’s work.
  • Shared notes that streamline collaboration.
  • Automations that allow you to streamline many aspects of the support operations.

  • Best-in-class analytics that give insight into your team’s performance.

  • Shared templates and canned responses.
Ready to level up your shared inbox?
Keeping makes it easy to share a Gmail account. Collaborate in Gmail without any complicated software.

2. Missive

Missive shared inbox tool.

Missive is a shared inbox and chat app that offers powerful AI integrations, including with OpenAI allowing you to compose and translate messages directly within the app. Businesses are using Missive to communicate with customers using both email and chat for a holistic customer experience. 

Customer support and sales teams can benefit from Missive’s capabilities to manage team email seamlessly. Emails that are assigned to particular agents are moved from the main inbox into a personal inbox, to show who is handling what. 

One feature that sets Missive apart is the ability to create Observer roles, which means that team members can view the inbox without participating to get an overview of what’s going on. 


  • AI integrations with OpenAI make it easier to communicate with customers

  • Chat app for customer instant messaging alongside email

  • Send undo grace period to recall emails in case you make a mistake

3. Front


The next shared inbox on our list is Front, which enables you to bring your customer service team together for personalized service. Users of Front enjoy a host of channels including email, SMS, chat and voice which can all be accessed from the same dashboard for a holistic customer experience. 

In Front, it’s possible to conduct conversations about customer tickets and collaborate with teammates behind-the-scenes. Messages can be routed automatically so you always know who is responsible for handling which inquiry. Front basically combines the capabilities of the help desk with the format of an email. 

Since Front is also a CRM, you have full visibility into customer history so agents know exactly who they’re dealing with, every time. This facilitates a much more personalized customer experience at scale. 


  • Customer knowledge base for creating self-service content

  • Analytics that give insight into tickets and team performance

  • Omnichannel inbox that brings multiple channels together 

4. Help Scout

Help Scout

Just like some of the other tools listed here, Help Scout is a full-service help desk but also a shared inbox. This means you can manage email quickly and easily with Help Scout, supporting a team of agents to implement advanced processes and workflows. Users will enjoy the intuitive interface of Help Scout while taking advantage of powerful features. 

You have the benefit of bringing all your customer emails and social messages into one place so you can provide a cohesive experience. Being able to automatically sort, assign and label emails takes your inbox to the next level as you unburden yourself of the task of managing emails as they come in. 

One of the biggest reasons businesses use a shared inbox is for the ability to collaborate on email, and Help Scout enables you to do just that. Internally discuss emails and mention teammates to solve inquiries together, remaining invisible to the customer. 


  • Canned responses make it easier to reply to repetitive emails

  • Analytics allow you to stay on track of your inbox and assign agents

  • Customer profiles and history give you vital context to the conversation 

5. Gorgias


Gorgias is shared inbox software specialized for ecommerce customer support teams. With Gorgias, you have access to all the standard features as well as AI that will enable you to automatically reply to customer tickets and tag tickets with the right categories. 

Integrating directly with Shopify, Gorgias brings together all your support channels for a connected customer experience so no one falls through the cracks. You can refund, update or cancel orders directly from within Gorgias because you have access to Shopify from the platform. 

If you’re using Shopify for ecommerce, then Gorgias is a good choice. Automated workflows lifted the burden from your support team, giving them more time to devote to customers and affording you a competitive edge. 


  • Canned responses and personalized variables allow you to customize customer conversations

  • Install a chat widget on your website to instantly message with customers

  • Receive voice calls from shoppers for those who prefer to speak

6. Zendesk


The great thing about Zendesk is that it is modifiable and customizable, making it flexible enough to suit a wide range of business needs. With Zendesk, you can bring all of your channels together and create workflows to enable you to manage a high volume of tickets with ease. Channels are integrated so that customers are able to switch between them seamlessly without repeating information. 

Zendesk makes use of AI so you can solve customer tickets faster through suggesting responses, and detecting customer intent. A self-service help center empowers customers to solve problems on their own, drastically reducing the amount of time your agents must spend on tickets. Automatically write support articles with AI to save even more precious minutes. 

The essence of a shared inbox is the ticketing system, which is extremely robust in Zendesk. What you can do is only limited by your imagination, but this can sometimes result in Zendesk being clunky, complex and confusing. 


  • Guide lets you build a self-service knowledge base to help customers without agents

  • Messaging keeps you in touch with customers in real-time

  • Accessible via API for customizations that your team can build

7. Freshdesk


Freshdesk is a popular alternative to Zendesk and as a straightforward shared inbox allows you to scale customer support without increasing costs. Made by Freshworks, you can benefit from their suite of integrations so customers can access the full experience. As a help desk, each ticket is fully contextualized so teams of agents can collaborate effectively. 

Focused on deflecting as many tickets as possible, customers can turn to your customized knowledge base and widgets to find answers to common questions. Generative AI, automations and workflows save your agents time by eliminating manual work from the back end. 

If anything, Freshdesk can become a little too complex because it packs so many features. AI supports you to enhance your conversations as well as powering your data insights for more advanced reporting. At its heart, Freshdesk helps you track tickets so you can help more customers. 


  • No-code bots to serve customers when they need it without agent help

  • Collision detection to prevent duplicate work in agents responding to emails

  • Thank you detector stops tickets being reopened when they have already been solved

8. Gladly


Gladly is another shared inbox tool that you can use to manage your incoming customer support inquiries. Liberating you from the ticket model, Gladly focuses on customer service and helps you automate replies with AI. Gladly puts customers at the center and begins with an understanding of exactly who every customer is. 

Personalized self-service powered by AI helps customers find what they need, in line with company policies and processes. No matter how customers end up getting in touch, Gladly unifies every channel so you never miss a message or call again. 

Like other multichannel tools, you can consolidate many platforms in Gladly saving you untold amounts in tech costs and complexity. Customer profiles enable agents to see at-a-glance who a customer is without having to switch context or ask repetitive questions. 


  • Multichannel inbox across voice, email and live chat

  • Gladly Sidekick, an AI and automation platform for self-service

  • Accept payments through messaging channels to increase revenue

9. Kustomer


Kustomer is a powerful shared inbox software that uses conversations, tickets, data and orders to enable your agents to help each and every customer. Utilizing generative AI, you can scale customer support with Kustomer’s no-code chatbot Superbot to automatically assist customers without agent intervention. 

Data enables Kustomer to anticipate customer needs, helping you to provide customer support at scale. As well as reactively supporting customers, you can use push notifications to proactively engage customers and drive sales. 

Timeline views show you exactly how customers have interacted with your business across every stage in the journey so you can maximize satisfaction and loyalty. Kustomer’s open API enables you to integrate with other apps so you can display the right data and make more effective decisions. 


  • Auto-translation for more than 70 languages enables multilingual support

  • Natural language processing to detect customer intent

  • Bulk message specific customer segments for outreach

Ready to level up your shared inbox?
Keeping makes it easy to share a Gmail account. Collaborate in Gmail without any complicated software.

Frequently Asked Questions about shared inboxes

Can I use Google Groups as a shared inbox? 

Google Groups is Google’s version of a group forum where you can send group messages. These also update group members with notifications through a group inbox. If someone wants to email the Google Group, they must become a member of the group before they can send a message to the group email address. It’s not always realistic to expect all your customers to become a member of your Google Group. 

You can connect Keeping with any Google Group you manage to ensure that messages sent to your group are forwarded to Keeping as tickets. This means you can keep your Google Group while at the same time adopting Keeping to manage email collaboratively. 

Can’t I just use Google Collaborative Inbox?

A Collaborative Inbox is an extended feature for Google Groups to enable you to have access to more collaborative features in your group. This makes Google Groups somewhat more like a shared inbox but not exactly, meaning that this is not the right solution for your customer support team if you want to manage a volume of email. 

What email address does the response come from in a shared inbox? 

You can choose to either send your email response to a customer from the shared email, such as support@company.com, or you can send it from the personal email address of the agent who has sent the response. 

Who do replies go to in the shared inbox? 

If an email has been assigned to a particular agent then emails will usually return to the agent who has previously replied to the email. If the email is unassigned then incoming messages will arrive in the main inbox. 

How do you log into a shared inbox? 

Usually, individuals log into a shared inbox with their individual logins which are assigned by an administrator. If you are using a tool such as Keeping, you log in with your Gmail credentials after being added to the shared inbox by an administrator, accepting the invitation to sync your mailbox and adding the Keeping browser extension. 

What to look out for when choosing shared inbox software

While the various shared inbox or team inbox software might differ in their suite of functionality, there are a few top features you should look for when considering a shared inbox. 

Collision detection

An image showing a shared inbox being used by two agents.

What do you do when two people simultaneously reply to the same email from a customer? In order to avoid the embarrassment of duplicate replies, shared inboxes usually offer a collision detection feature that prevents multiple team members from responding to an email at the same time. This feature essentially locks the email so that nobody can write a reply that clashes with someone else’s. 

Multiple agent logins

Multiple agent logins to a shared inbox.

A particularly important shared inbox feature is the capability for multiple agent logins, who are given accounts and permissions by an administrator. Agents can log into your shared inbox simultaneously and work on customer tickets without getting locked out of the app for security purposes. 

Ticket assignment

Shared inbox software with ticket assigned to an agent.

Another way to prevent duplicate work is using the ticket assignment feature. This means that tickets (emails) are assigned to particular agents so that everyone knows what they are working on. Using ticket assignment will also allow teams to gain further insight into how each member is performing and offer help accordingly. Assigning tickets lets you manage a shared mailbox fairly and ensure that individual agents aren’t overwhelmed. 


Shared inbox platform showing ticket status.

Without a shared inbox, it’s easy to lose track of where you are in dealing with customer tickets. Being able to assign a ticket a status enables you to quickly see whether a ticket is Open, Closed or Pending, and quickly intervene if a customer has been kept waiting. This feature comes in especially useful when you can see that someone has read an email but you don’t know whether they have responded without opening the email and reading through the chain to check. 

Internal notes

Internal notes on tickets.

Sometimes customer inquiries are complex and being able to conduct internal discussions that are not visible to the customer is extremely useful. Internal team chat allows you to post comments and tag team members to successfully collaborate on customer tickets – all without leaving the comfort of your shared inbox. This prevents you having to forward emails in long chains and losing track of the original message. 


Automations setup in a shared inbox platform.

Automations can significantly reduce the time it takes to perform mundane, repetitive tasks, by allowing you to automatically assign tickets, add tags, or change the status of a ticket, without requiring your agents to lift a finger. When you set rules in your shared inbox they will automatically execute and apply themselves to new and existing tickets. Conditions can trigger actions in your shared inbox and streamline workflows perfectly. 

Canned responses

Canned responses settings in a shared inbox tool.

Many times, customers will get in touch with inquiries that require similar or identical responses. Save time in your shared inbox with your canned responses, which are saved templates that you can use to insert in your replies. Shared inbox software shares these templates between everyone in your team so each member has access to canned responses. 

Automatic replies

Automatic Reply capability within a shared inbox software.

When it’s not possible to answer your customers right away, you’ll want to let your customers know you’re working on it. Automatic replies can be triggered whenever a customer first sends you an email containing your own customized text with important information. You can even include links to your knowledge base which may deflect many repetitive customer tickets. 

Manage multiple shared emails

Manage multiple shared emails

The right inbox software will allow you to connect multiple shared email addresses to your account so you can easily toggle between them. Avoiding the hassle of logging in and out to separate email accounts saves you time and also facilitates a broad overview of all your email addresses in one interface. 


Analytics and data in a shared inbox tool.

Analytics are another feature that you will not get if you remain with a traditional email service provider. A shared inbox gives you access to all sorts of data about your customer tickets and your team’s performance that enable you to gain insight and make improvements, with AI often making the whole process easier. 

Cody Duval

Cody is the Founder and CEO of Keeping. He's a self-professed nerd about processes and operations and loves helping others grow and build their businesses.

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