
Google Groups

Supercharge Google Groups with Keeping

Using a Google Group for your shared inbox? It's time to upgrade.

Add Keeping to your Google Group to give it new superpowers.  Share private notes, assign and prioritize incoming emails, all without leaving Gmail.

No Credit Card Required


Keeping is trusted by over 2,000+ customers across the world

It's time to upgrade your Google Groups shared inbox

Google Groups was not designed as a shared inbox or customer support tool. It lacks the the features you need to collaborate and manage a collaborative inbox effectively.

Keeping is the missing shared inbox for Google Workspace

Upgrade your Google Group with Keeping, and use Gmail as a customer support tool, shared inbox, or help desk.

Shared Mailbox

Collaborate in Gmail

Keeping lets everyone in your team receive, respond to and assign support emails directly from their own Gmail account. All support emails are organized in a new section of your mailbox and separated from your regular emails.

One home for multiple mailboxes

Juggling multiple Google Groups? No problem! Add as many shared inboxes as you like - respond from your personal inbox without having to manage multiple logins.


Stay in sync with private notes

Say goodbye to endless email chains. No more BCCs or forwarding. Keep your team in sync with shared notes. Need a team member's help? Get their attention with an @mention.

What Makes Us Different

Keeping is designed for teams that do more than just customer support.

Join the thousands of users that are sharing inboxes with Keeping!

Every day, 2,000+ customers trust Keeping to sync and share their mailboxes. Setup takes minutes, and there's no credit card to get started.
